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Yoshiharu Shimizu Mr. Shimizu develops equipment used in food production plants and engineering food plants. He has worked for many years in companies with many experience in food production systems and equipment in Japan and Asia. In addition, he experienced the engineering rig of the food plant based on


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2nd edition. John Wiley Sons, 2017. 657p. Shimizu s Dermatology, Second Edition provides practical, didactic, and rapid-reference advice on diagnosis and management of the most common dermatologic conditions. Written by one of the world s leading experts, and a best-seller in Japan where it was...


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Shimizu's more than 200-year history began in 1804, when founder Kisuke Shimizu launched a carpentry business in the Kanda Kajicho district in Edo (now Tokyo). During its early years, Shimizu appointed Eiichi Shibusawa, a renowned industrialist of …


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Eiko Shimizu. Dr. Shimizu graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, where she obtained BS and MS in statistics. She started her business career at McKinsey as a strategic management consultant, and developed her global career both in Japan and in the U.S. Her career in the medical industry started in 2000 with Edwards Lifesciences as a ...


caverns, rock slopes, landslides, dams, and so on. Prof. Shimizu developed and published the ISRM Suggested Method for monitoring rock displacements using GPS. Last year, he received the Japan Prime Minister's Prize for Distinguish Contributor of Disaster Prevention 2017. He also received the Space Development and Utilization Grand Prizes by


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